4 Simple, Yet Effective Tricks to Learn How to Lose Weight Without Trying

Admit it: you are worried. You are overwhelmed by everything you need to do to lose weight.

Waking up by 5:30am every day to go for that important morning walk, checking food labels and going through strict diet measures - these are just too much for your shoulders to bear.

But what if I told you that you can learn how to lose weight without trying so hard?

Yes, you can shed some considerable amount of pounds by doing almost nothing except making little changes to your lifestyle.

You see, weight loss - while important - is not a must. The world will not end if you don't shed those troubling pounds - it's about time you give yourself some slack.

You can learn how to lose weight without trying to go through the rigorous exercise routine that makes your heart trembles.

I'll teach you some simple, bit-sized weight loss hacks you can incorporate into your lifestyle and begin to see results as early as a month.

And I mean it: doing these things means you'll be learning how to lose weight without trying as early as today.

1) Breakfast Is Important: If you want to learn how to lose weight without trying so hard, you must make a habit of not leaving home without taking breakfast.

The benefits of having breakfast every morning are huge; it stops you from having excess calories during the course of the day, keeps you productive and physically agile.

It nourishes your muscles and keeps your brain active. A day with breakfast means you are less likely to indulge in unhealthy snacks.

2) Make a Habit of Standing: You and I live in a world where we spend more than 6 hours rooted to our chairs. This is what our works demand from us.

An average working parent spends 8 hours planted in front of his/her office desk. It is the modern-day death sentence.

But the health consequences of this sedentary lifestyle are immense - when your leg muscles are immobile, your blood circulation slows down and you burn fewer calories as a result.

Sit throughout the day and the activities of your fat-burning enzymes would have reduced by half.

So, if you really want to learn how to lose weight without trying, don't spend your life sitting - stand once in a while. In fact standing burns almost twice as much calories as sitting.

While in office, make phone calls standing; take a 5 minute break for an hour of sitting. Do this for a month and see knowing how to lose weight without trying becomes easy.

3) Watch TV Alone; Don't Take Food Along. An average parent spends 2000 hours a year behind a TV screen and for every minute spent, the bite/minute ratio increases from 3.2 bites to 5.1.

Do I need to tell you that cutting this dreadful habit means you'd have saved yourself 21 pounds before the end of the year? I bet now you can see learning how to lose weight without trying is not rocket science.

4) Check Your Weight Once a Week. Even if you're scared to death in engaging in physical exercise, checking your weight once a week charges you psychologically to do something. It makes you conscious of your weight and doing the things necessary to get you back in shape.

And if you still haven't seen the importance of this, the American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Journal has. It reports that 75% of successful dieters weigh themselves at least once a week.

But truth is 90 percent of the average and common people will not take action towards improving their health - they still wait for manna to fall from heaven.

But if you are not one among them, take advantage of this FREE Weight Loss [http://www.permanentweightloss101.org] guide now to improve your health and lose weight as a result - [http://www.permanentweightloss101.org] (Limited Time Offer... Hurry)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Manu_Andrew

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