Foods You Should Avoid to Stay Healthy

If you are looking to stay healthy, keep the fat off and live a full and meaningful life, then there are really certain foods you should consider cutting out completely from your diet. When most people hear that they need to "cut out" certain foods from their diet they get defensive and think -"well I just might as well not eat at all!" - well this isn't true. You can still eat like a king or queen and have a healthy, low-fat body. Its simple and all you need to do is really try your hardest to stay away from these foods.

1) Soda
Soda is arguable one of the worst drinks that you can consume in terms of body healthy and body fat. Soda will tack on the pounds like no other drink or food for that matter. The reason being is that sodas are just so easy to drink 3 or 4 or even 5 without thinking anything. As many as 3 sodas is roughly 400 calories - that's a lot of calories just for drinking a tasty beverage.

2) Fast Food
The biggest issue here is that fast food is full of saturated fat and other nasty toxins that are not going to help your body stay healthy at all. It is really easy to go to a fast food restaurant and consume 800-1000 calories. You can see how this might be a really bad thing especially if you are trying to keep the fat off of your body.

3) Desserts
If you are really trying to stay healthy and lose weight you need to get a firm grasp of your self-control. Just like every other unhealthy foods out there - they are so easy to eat because they taste so good. I personally struggle with this one so much. If I am hungry and walk down into the kitchen to find a batch of brownies or a bag of cookies, or perhaps my favorite sweet treat of all time: ice cream. I know I'm in trouble there's a good chance that I am about to turn on the switch that's going to make me consume roughly 900 calories of unhealthy food. You need to find something instead of these treats to fill your hunger.

The best thing you can do is to eat something light and healthy like a piece of fruit, a quick salad with a low-fat and low-calorie dressing (or if you are really dedicated no dressing at all!) or maybe a bowl of plain oatmeal can suffice your hunger for a little while.

The harsh reality of losing fat, staying healthy and skinny is that you really can't eat these bad foods every day - now that's not to say that you can't stay healthy and have foods like this every once in a while, but for the most part you need to try your hardest to avoid these bad foods - the biggest tip you can adhere to is this: Eat something else. That is the biggest key to staying healthy and losing weight. Don't let yourself go, have self-control, and stay motivated!

Look Great, stay healthy, lose the weight, and feet great. For additional fat loss resources and healthy living tips you can visit our website at fat loss factor life

Brett K.

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