Easiest Path To Quick Weight Loss

Quick. Easy. Convenient. Everyone loves these words. Heck, I love these words. Wouldn't everyone want the secret to quick weight loss that doesn't involve breaking a sweat or watching what you eat? The cold hard truth is that weight loss-real and sustainable weight loss over the long haul-takes a lot of discipline. Yes, it also takes a lot of work. With that out of the way, it doesn't necessarily follow that weight loss has to take a long time. There are many paths to quick weight loss. Some are harder and more grueling than others. As the old saying goes, there are a hundred ways to skin a cat. The same goes with losing weight.

There are many ways to go about shedding pounds quickly. he easiest path to quick weight loss involves watching what you eat. In particular, by using a simple method, you can drastically reduce the amount of calories you eat daily. You only need to get over the initial hump of getting started and getting used to this method. However, once you get past it, you develop momentum and you will see yourself doing this day after day, week after week. You will see yourself drop pounds and keep them off. So what is this 'top secret' way to quick weight loss? Simple. Skip a meal. It's pretty straightforward-since the average person consumes 1700 to 2000 calories per day to remain at their current weight level, they only need to consume less calories and have the same activity level throughout the day to lose weight. Here are some key tips to skipping meals.

Eat a huge breakfast

Your breakfast sets the tone for the rest of your day. Don't starve yourself with breakfast. Have a heavy breakfast but avoid oily and fatty foods. As much as possible, eat a lot of foods that have a high fiber content. As much as possible, drink a lot of water and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. When you eat high fiber meals, your stomach bulks up quickly and you feel full longer. Your stomach sends a 'I am full' signal to your brain and your brain is more sensitive to your stomach's fullness.

Eat lunch early

When you skip a meal you are really engaging your body in a race. You want to burn more calories during your waking hours so whatever food you ate in the morning will be completely processed by nighttime. You are in a race because your body's metabolic system slows down at night. You have to eat early enough so that there are only a few food calories left at night. This will force your body to burn fat-stored forms of energy-for its energy needs. The more fat your body burns, the leaner you get. To learn some more sad truths click the link below.

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Bill and Joan Loganeski have discovered a meal replacement you can make at home for very little money and when combined with our Saturday Morning Diet plan it will help you lose the weight. The Saturday Morning Diet channel is our educational and information channel to help you use lose weight in a healthy way.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Loganeski

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