The Benefits Of Drinking Water To Lose Weight

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help you feel full for longer without you needing to eat unhealthy or high caloric snacks to satisfy your hunger cravings. Water also helps you eat less when you do eat a snack, this in turn helps reduce your calories intake. Eating fewer calories each will help to aid a weight loss plan.

Many heath care professional agree that you should eat approximately 5 to 6 small meals a day to help keep energy levels up and also eat less calories. Water can complement this idea nicely. When you drink water with a meal, there reduces the chances of you eating more calories or over eating, thus promoting weight gain.

Water can also help to satisfy hungry carvings that we get, because the body often can find it difficult to know if you are hungry or thirsty. Water helps to digest food faster and will ensure that a person is felling fuller with each meal.

Another reason why water should replace other carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages is that most carbonated drinks are full of sugars and artificial sweeteners and various other unhealthy chemicals. Natural water does not have any sugars or artificial sweeteners inside it. If you continue to drink carbonated drinks and other sugary drinks over water, the calorie consumption will increase and increase the chances of weight gain.

Water also has a dramatic effect on the body's metabolism. The metabolism is a process in which the body burns food for energy. When there is a lack of water consumption the metabolism is slower meaning the body will not burn food for energy as quickly thus increasing likely hood of weight gain. If enough water is consumed on daily basis the metabolism will be healthy and smooth and this will help burn more calories for energy and help promote weight loss.

Water can also help reduce weight when a diet contains a lot of salt, from various foods such as processed foods, tinned foods and other salt content foods.

Water will provides a good solution for a detox to clean out the organs inside the system ready for the start of a healthy eating weight loss plan. Water will flush out the toxins from the body and help to reduce bloating. This combined with fruit juices like smoothies and various other liquid drinks provides a clean out for the system.

Many dieters use water in conjunction with their diet to get a jumpstart in their weight reduction plan, the reason is because when water is combined with other healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and starchy carbohydrates and whole grains, this is the ideal situation for healthy weight loss.

Water can also be used in slightly different way know as fasting. Fasting is where you replace meals with liquid drinks to reduce calorie intake to lose weight. An example of this would be to replace a whole meal with water. Fasting with water should be done in small steps and over a period of time, otherwise issues can arise in the long run.

If weigh loss is the main goal that you want to reach, water should make up about 80% of the liquid drinks that you consume. The average person can expect to reduce their daily calories intake by as much as 200 calories just by switching to water from carbonated sugary drinks.

Water consumption will vary from one person to the next and this depends on many factors such as weight, age and activity level. The more active a person is the more water they will need to drink to provide energy and replace water lost in sweat.

The ideal situation for most people who are overweight would be to drink at least 5 or 6 glasses a day to avoid dehydration and keep the metabolism healthy and smooth.

Increasing water intake should not be the only method to use to lose weight. It is very important that a healthy balanced food plan which is rick in lean meats and proteins, starchy carbohydrates and healthy fats in combined with water for fast healthy weight reduction.

The typical recommend intake for water is about 3.7 litres. This can be accomplished with a healthy eating plan and good use of planning. You can also get lots of water from various foods such as smoothies, green vegetables and fruits.

Water should be encouraged from an early age to help avoid obesity and promote healthy habits and practices into adult life. Drinking water regularly will also help keep your teeth healthy and clean and help avoid tooth decay as well as promoting weight loss.

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Ashley Hubbard is a weight loss coach / Consultant. Ashley takes a natural approach by encouraging healthy eating practices, regular exercise and healthy lifestyle habits. Get the latest and most up to date ideas, methods, strategies and news stories on healthy weight loss here at Ashley's blog

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